Monday, October 29, 2012

Basic cooking & baking ingredients translation. English-Chinese

I organized basic cooking & baking ingredients translation in Chinese.

I hope it is useful for you.

Baking ingredients
中筋麵粉 all purpose flour/ plain flour
低筋麵粉   cake flour
高筋麵粉   bread flour
全麥麵粉             whole wheat flour
泡打粉                baking powder 
蘇打粉    baking soda
塔塔粉  cream of tartar
酵母 yeast
無鹽奶油      unsalted butter         
鮮奶油whipping cream
打發鮮奶油whipped cream
乳酪起司/奶油起司 cream cheese
奶粉 milk powder 
煉乳 condensed milk 
糖粉 confectioners' sugar/icing sugar 
吉利丁 gelatine 
香草精 vanilla extract 

Cooking ingredients
太白粉 potato starch
玉米粉 corn starch 
地瓜粉/樹薯粉 tapioca starch
糯米粉 glutinous rice flour /sweet rice flour
在來米粉 rice flour
麵包粉 breadcrumbs

醬油 soy sauce
醬油膏 thick soy sauce 
蠔油 oyster sauce 
香油 white sesame oil
麻油 sesame oil
米酒 cooking rice wine
料理紅酒 cooking red wine
料理白酒 cooking white wine
白醋 vinegar
烏醋 black vinegar/ orient worcestershire sauce
蕃茄醬(沾薯條用的那種) ketchup
蕃茄醬汁tomato sauce
辣豆瓣醬 chili bean sauce 
沙茶醬 BBQ sauce/ chinese BBQ sauce
魚露 fish sauce
味噌 miso
辣椒油                      chili oil                                                
甜麵醬sweet bean sauce

義大利香料  italian seasoning
迷迭香  rosemary 
巴西里  parsley 
百里香 thyme
肉桂 cinnamon
肉豆蔻  nutmeg
八角  star anise
奧勒岡  oregano
芫荽/胡荽/香菜 coriander
花椒 Sichuan pepper
孜然 cumin
五香粉 chinese five spices
七味粉 nanami/schichimi togarashi 

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